Food Codex and Legal Regulations Commission

Food safety is the top priority for food and beverage industries. TGDF and its members have processes guaranteeing the compliance of the products in the market with the science-based, highest food safety standards. Science and science-based legislation plays a significant role for the food industry to offer benefits to consumers and general community by developing new products or improving old products.

Represented in the Specialization Sub-Commissions of the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock; TGDG actively contributes and ensures efficient participation for the preparation, review and modification of the food legislation. It is also the only non-governmental organization with a representative in the National Food Codex Commission which is tasked with the preparation and inspection of the food codex.

The duties assumed by TGDF include establishing a single authority in our country in the field of food safety, being efficient in the formation of a risk-based food safety unit and taking actions towards all stakeholders by following up the works of EFSA as the only competent authority in the EU in terms of risk assessment.

TGDF conducts its operations aimed at facilitating the current regulation framework, which is a high priority issue for the European Commission, as well as reducing and eliminating administrative obstacles as much as possible, by following up all legislation developments and new technologies regarding food safety in continuous communication with all its members and relevant official authorities and international organizations.


